Healthy Eating For Kids

Healthy eating is very important for kids as this is the age when they start developing their eating habits. This is the age when parents can take care what their kids are eating.This is the perfect time to shape up their eating habits.

Few resources where you can find out more about healthy eating for kids:-

  • www.helpguide.org/life/healthy_eating_children_teens.htm
  • www.educationaltechnologies.com
  • www.eatingwell.com/recipes_menus/collections/healthy_eating_kids
  • kidshealth.org/parent/nutrition_fit/nutrition/habits.html
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Is Early education really helpful?

This post is less of a discussion topic. We all have seen children growing, we see people giving early education to their kids. These people can be our friends, relatives, and other people. What do you people think about early child education. Please write your experiences and information about the topic. Let us share our knowledge here.
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5 Ways to Develop Your Child's Curiosity!

A very important part of childhood is the awareness of the five senses in the body. As children learn to observe their surroundings, they begin to both identify and distinguish between sounds, sights, tastes, smells, and sensations. They develop a sense of curiosity about themselves and the world around them, and this in turn helps them understand their own selves. In fact, curiosity also fosters a feeling of learning, which can prove to be of great help in the future.
Parents may often feel irritated while answering the numerous questions children come up with. But it is necessary to understand that for a child, everything around him/ her is new, and hence exciting. This latent inquisitiveness of children leaves them awestruck at almost everything they look at.
Children are naturally curious from early infancy. From the tender age of eight months, a child’s brain starts posing questions. Physical activities stimulate the curiosity in children, and since they are naturally curious about their surroundings, they explore their environment mostly while playing. In fact, the latest medical trends in child development encourage parents to foster the sense of curiosity among kids.
According to noted pediatrician and author Thomas Berry Brazelton, “As a child becomes more adept at handling their body, their hands become freer, more exciting, and more available for learning”.
How can you develop your child’s curiosity?
1. Games and other physical activities are perhaps the best way to inculcate curiosity among children. They are basically inquisitive about their toys and belongings. Hence, parents must develop interesting play activities that will help your child to quench his/her curiosity. Science toys can be a good tool to develop curiosity in the infant brain.
2. Parents should encourage children to explore their natural surroundings. This external exploration paves the way for introspection which in turn inspires curiosity.
3. Children should be encouraged to ask questions. As we all know, having answers to questions is the first step towards satiating the basic thirst for knowledge.
4. Kids should be encouraged to look for answers to their questions. This will give them more confidence and also enhance their understanding of things around them.
5. Parents must teach children to be good observers. Keen observation is the perfect complement for a curious mind. Parents should also help to improve their child’s attention span. Higher level of attention leads to enhanced degrees of curiosity.
It’s good to be curious!
• Curiosity broadens the child’s mind. A broader mind helps in a holistic development of the child.
• A curious child is always actively seeking answers. This curiosity propels them towards unraveling the mysteries of daily life.
• Curiosity makes children good receptors, and capable of grasping new concepts easily. Thus, curiosity enhances a child’s potential to learn.
Curiosity plays a pivotal role in the mental and intellectual improvement of a child. A child’s inquisitiveness leads to valuable exploration, and exploration is the key to learning. Curiosity should never be suppressed or else it can have an adverse impact on a child’s early development. As John Holt says, "Children do not need to be made to learn" since they are already born with what Einstein called "the holy curiosity of inquiry". So encourage the curious side of your children and watch them grow into knowledgeable and mature individuals!
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Early Education

Early childhood is an important phase in the life of human beings. It may prove to be a troublesome time for the parents of toddlers since they have to be extremely conscious about the child’s physical care. The biological and brain development of children during the first few years of their lives depend entirely on the quality of stimulation that is evoked by their environment – at all the three levels of family, community, as well as the society.

Studies have indicated that the first three years of a child’s life are extremely crucial for both the emotional and intellectual development. According to James J. Heckman, “Early childhood interventions of high quality have lasting effects on learning and motivation”.

Early childhood development is actually an umbrella term encompassing a child’s social, emotional, language, literacy, physical, creative, and cognitive development. All these developmental stages are inter-related. They collectively contribute to the all-round development of the child. However, children develop their milestones at their own pace. Therefore, it is imperative for parents to give special attention to the needs of their children. Early child development is thus a lifelong determinant of well-being, health, and learning skills of the child in the future.

Here are some important aspects of early childhood development that parents need to be aware of:

1. The first six years of life are extremely crucial for the growth and development in children. As a matter of fact, their mental growth is accelerated when they receive adequate attention, love and affection, mental stimulation, and encouragement. Preschool child development occupies a pivotal position in the lives of the infants. It is during this phase that parental responsibilities towards the growing child become most important. It has been proved by research studies that children tend to develop a more extensive vocabulary if their parents involve them in frequent conversations.

2. Early childhood is an exploratory age when kids begin to discover their surroundings. It is an imitative age as well. Kids start picking up the mannerisms, speech, and actions of elders around them. Parents therefore should be appropriate in their behavior in front of children. Research has identified the particularly critical areas in early childhood development: vision, logical thinking, language, music, and emotion. These are considered as "windows of opportunity", and should be considered as important aspects of their development.

3. In early childhood, behavior problems seem to be more troublesome and frequent as compared to problems related to the physical care of children. If their actions are unsupervised, they might grow up to be disobedient, obstinate, antagonistic, and stubborn. Parents should pay extra attention to the needs of their children. The social behavior of individuals at a grown up stage is determined by the way they have been nurtured by parents during their early childhood years. Therefore, it is extremely crucial to ensure that children are not only provided with proper nutrition and education, but also protected from abuse, harm, and discrimination.

The state of early childhood development, when measured with a comparable approach, results in the betterment of the child and subsequently, the entire community.
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Meeting a lot of bloggers, Add your blog here

I visited some cool blogs about early childhood education. Adding it here, if you have one, please add it over here:
  1. http://manaiakindergarten.blogspot.com/ - Duck Rabbit, Duck Rabbit :), it was fun

  2. http://lowdownonline.com/2009/07/snapshot-early-childhood-educat

These are our new friends with their following blogs. It's so nice to have you guys here:-

3. http://hunterparkkindergarten.blogspot.com

4. http://kdgroom102.blogspot.com/
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EducationMajorsU.com - large list of schools offering Early Education program, degrees and certificates

They are a website that offers information about schools that offer various programs, degrees, certificates and so fort in the education field.

EducationMajorsU.com offers information on thousands of schools located in the US, Canada and even online. Their extensive database of schools and programs specializing in the education and teaching field provides future and current teachers with the information they need to choose the right education programs and courses to further their teaching career.

EducationMajorsU.com contains a large list of schools offering Early Education programs, degrees and certificates and even online and distance learning degrees. If you are interested in starting a career in Early Education, visit their Early Childhood Education Degrees page and start searching for the right program that best fits what your looking for.
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MP3 of early childhood education

Don't miss the early childhood education mp3 available at http://www.kgou.org/content/mp3/early_ed.mp3

Speakers are:
Speaking at a news conference in advance of the Oklahoma Economic Summit on Early Childhood Investment July 27, three experts spoke on the payoff associated with an investment in a child’s formative years.
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Aug 4 - UM-Dearborn's Early Childhood Education Center will host an open house Aug. 4 to showcase its toddler, preschool and kindergarten program

Early Childhood Education Center (ECEC) at the University of Michigan-Dearborn will host an open house from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. on Tuesday, Aug. 4 in Suite 300 of the ECEC, located at 18501 Rotunda Dr. between the Southfield Freeway and Oakwood Boulevard.

During the open house, visitors may view the ECEC classrooms and meet one of the early childhood teachers. Parents also can learn about the ECEC’s individualized, active-learning program in a stimulating environment with an excellent teacher/child ratio. Full-day and half-day sessions are available.

The ECEC will be accepting applications for its 2009-2010 toddler, preschool and kindergarten programs during the open house. Kindergarten applicants must be 5 years old by Dec. 1, 2009.

More information at http://www.umd.umich.edu/fullstory/article/Childhood_center_open_house/
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Introduce yourself - Love to hear your story

We will love to hear from you about your experience in Early Childhood education and related topics.

How do you take care of early education? Do you have enough resources for it?
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Tell us what we should cover here?

Tell us what we should cover here ... According to your request we will cover the topics in this blog. As of now we are planning to cover:

  1. science books for kids
  2. early childhood education online
  3. preschool games
  4. preschool activities
  5. preschool worksheets
  6. preschool books
  7. preschool work
  8. preschool program
  9. child development stages
  10. child development milestones
  11. kids books
  12. preschool science
  13. childrens books
  14. early childhood education curriculum
  15. preschool curriculum
  16. preschool toys
  17. head start preschool
  18. preschool science experiments
  19. preschool math worksheets
  20. toddler books
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Why Early Childhood education blog?

If you are wondering that why a girl like me will ever start a blog about Early childhood education. I am married now and preparing for my next phase of life "MOTHER". I want to be the BEST mother in the world.

I talked to my friends and got to know various options about Child Education. No, I am not satisfied with them the sum of all. So I decided to find more about it.

Government is doing a good job here

These are the 7 websites one should not miss for early childhood education.
  1. http://www.ed.gov/parents/earlychild/ready/resources.html
  2. http://www.deewr.gov.au/EarlyChildhood/OfficeOfEarlyChildhood/Pages/default.aspx
  3. http://www.michigan.gov/mde/0,1607,7-140-6530_6809---,00.html
  4. http://www.state.nj.us/education/ece/
  5. http://www.ade.state.az.us/earlychildhood/
  6. http://www.educationaltechnologies.com
  7. http://schools.nyc.gov/Academics/EarlyChildhood/default.htm
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